Technology as an excellent way to boost productivity, and as busy managers we all can use some extra productivity in our lives!
Use Lost Time for On the Go Learning
What does your staff do when there is downtime? Chances are, they spend time scrolling through apps on their phone catching up on the goings on of the “real world” or the “social media world.” What if your staff was able to use that time to better themselves professionally?
One of the reasons we developed RCSU is because virtual training gives staff and management the opportunity to train whenever and wherever they can; thus, keeping productivity and engagement high.
Avoid Distractions While Training
Have you ever sat in a training with someone who had a way of driving your focus away from the information being presented? This distraction factor is essentially eliminated with virtual training since the information being presented is presented on a personal device, such as a computer, phone or tablet; thus, making the presenter of the information your staff’s personalized trainer.
While technology does lend itself to offer countless opportunities for distraction in the way of e-mails, social media and news apps, a staff member invested in bettering themselves professionally will find ways to prioritize training to further their career.

Having a personalized training session is nice and all, but what about the ambient noise, interruptions from coworkers and possibility that others around you don’t want to listen to the same training session that you are working through? According to research, you need your undivided attention for at least 23 minutes before you can reach the deepest levels of focus — or ‘flow state’. Every time you get distracted by external noises, you’ll be taken further away from your most productive state of being and you’re forced to reset the clock.
Headphones to the rescue! Noise-cancelling headphones are ideal; since they block out distracting noises, but really any headphones will do the trick to help you focus—and give the signal to those around you that you are focusing on something that requires your undivided attention.

One of the most effective ways to increase productivity is to use a timer while working. The same goes for training. If you encourage your staff to set aside an hour per day, that is monitored by a timer (insider tip: most RCSU courses consist of 45 minutes of content) to train, you will find that the “race against the clock” mentality will force staff to stay focused on the task at hand.
The pressure to work efficiently is a technique that can also translate to other tasks throughout your operation—need to knock out inventory? Set a timer! Dreading conducting payroll? Reward yourself for tackling it before your timer hits zero with a refreshment!
At RCS, it’s our mission and vision to prepare hospitality companies for the next generation of customers, members and employees. As the next generation embraces technology as a productivity aid rather than a hindrance, it’s our task to equip our customers with tools to take their operation to the next level—RCSU is our solution, and it goes perfectly with any technology you have at your disposal.